Valance Humphrey

If you’re looking for massage therapy in Bridgetown, Valance Humphrey is the massage therapist to see. In 2018, Valance got their Master Myoskeletal Therapist (MMT) certification. It’s a big step up from being a standard licensed massage therapist and requires a great deal of drive to achieve. We’re pleased that he made that commitment and impressed with the results he gets with clients. You can read a little bit about his journey below. He can help you resolve pain problems that many other allied health professions struggle with, including back pain, injuries, and headaches. To contact Valance to make an appointment for massage therapy in Bridgetown, check the links at the bottom of this page.

My journey with Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques started in 2018 after seeing a Facebook post from a recent graduate of Erik’s Master Myoskeletal Therapist program. They spoke highly of the experience, and it caught my attention.

At first, I was a bit hesitant, but eventually enrolled in the Treating Trapped Nerves course. I found it to be extremely functional and soon started applying the techniques even before I completely finished the course.

My background as a sport scientist and massage/rehab therapist allowed me to complete the advanced course of Treating Trapped Nerves successfully. I was very impressed with the course materials and topics covered, but I was more impressed with the skills I attained. These skills were being manifested in the treatments my clients received and they too, also noticed the difference in my therapy.

As these new acquired skills began to expand, I decided to take full advantage of the additional course work which was being offered. I began with the foundational courses and as I worked my way through the advanced levels, I really began to enjoy the educational journey. MAT became an umbrella for all the therapeutic training I had acquired and it brought a new dimension and approach to my Massage/Rehab practice.

I no longer “chase the pain” I solve the pain puzzle. The highlight of this journey was the MAT workshop I attended in April 2021 held in Dublin, Ireland facilitated by Aubrey Gowing MMT where I was able to see MAT in action with Erik Dalton in real time.

I am forever grateful to the Erik Dalton team with a special mention for Kim Miller “Director of Education” who assisted me throughout the journey to become a Master Myoskeletal Therapist. Thank you all for providing me with the opportunity to expand my therapeutic knowledge and skills… not only to increase my income, but to really make a difference in the lives of the many who seek to be free from pain.

Valance Humphrey
Bridgetown, Barbados


Master Myoskeletal Therapist (MMT) Certification is one of the most prestigious designations available in the profession. Get to know one of these remarkable “next level” therapists near you.”



Clients are always seeking help with complex pain problems and are willing to compensate therapists who have earned this advanced skill-set. Learn how you can become the “go to” theapist in your community with Master Myoskeletal Therapist certification. 

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