Jagoda Rodic

Jagoda Rodic is considered by many to be the top massage therapist in Amsterdam. We’re delighted that she decided to pursue certification as a Master Myoskeletal Therapist (MMT). Achieving this certification, one of the highest standards for a massage professional, is no small feat. It takes a burning desire to get results for your clients and a great deal of commitment. You can read a little bit about her journey below. She is highly skilled at treating a range of myoskeletal disorders, from back to carpal tunnel syndrome. To contact Jagoda to make an appointment for massage therapy in Amsterdam, check the links at the bottom of this page. 

For 20 years I worked as an emergency room nurse until 2015 when I decided to get certified in sports massage. I knew instantly this would be my next career path. Soon, I opened a massage therapy practice in my home city in the Netherlands and as I continued to build my practice, I realized I wanted to learn more specialized bodywork modalities to help my clients.

In 2018, I completed an Orthopedic Massage Therapy certification with James Waslaski. Throughout that training, James often acknowledged Erik Dalton’s work so I decided to do some research about Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques and shortly after (in 2019), I enrolled in my first workshop in Dublin, Ireland. Immediately, I realized this was the training and skill set I had been seeking. After quite a bit of hard work studying the required MAT courses and attending several workshops, I received my Master Myoskeletal Therapist diploma at Erik’s Costa Rica “Pain Relief In Paradise” retreat. It was a dream come true!

Erik Dalton’s work has brought me so much knowledge and insight into how the brain functions and its effect on the body. I am finally able to see the bigger picture and make connections such as “treating pain patterns and not just the pain.” This way of working has boosted my practice and income in a very short time. Seeing people happy after a pain-free treatment makes my day! This training has inspired me to continue further education in osteopathy and brain-based bodywork too. Thank you, Erik Dalton, for continuing to share your knowledge and keeping our minds sharp. I am proud to join this very special community as a teaching assistant and hope to help organize MAT workshops in Amsterdam! I feel blessed to do what I love. Proud to be a MMT!

Jagoda Rodic 

Amsterdam, Netherlands


Master Myoskeletal Therapist (MMT) Certification is one of the most prestigious designations available in the profession. Get to know one of these remarkable “next level” therapists near you.”



Clients are always seeking help with complex pain problems and are willing to compensate therapists who have earned this advanced skill-set. Learn how you can become the “go to” theapist in your community with Master Myoskeletal Therapist certification. 

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