Shaundra Barnett

Shaundra Barnett is considered by many to be the top massage therapist in Houston. We’re delighted that she decided to pursue certification as a Master Myoskeletal Therapist (MMT). Achieving this certification, one of the highest standards for a massage professional, is no small feat. It takes a burning desire to get results for your clients and a great deal of commitment. You can find out more about her below. She can help you resolve pain problems that many other allied health professions struggle with, including back pain, injuries, and headaches. If you’re looking for massage therapy in Houston, give Shaundra a call.

While studying to become a licensed massage therapist—and already working as a certified personal trainer—I became even more fascinated by how the body works. Seeing how all the systems connect and operate together made me want to learn more. That curiosity led me to step outside the box and dive into Erik Dalton’s MMT program through the Freedom From Pain Institute.
I first heard about MMT from one of my massage school instructors and an MMT therapist. Their techniques immediately caught my attention.
Erik Dalton’s program gave me the tools to better assess and treat dysfunctions and other issues contributing to my clients’ pain. Becoming a Master Myoskeletal Therapist has completely transformed my practice, and I couldn’t be more grateful. Big thanks to the MMT community and the Erik Dalton team—I’m proud to be part of it!

Shaundra Barnett
Houston, Texas


Master Myoskeletal Therapist (MMT) Certification is one of the most prestigious designations available in the profession. Get to know one of these remarkable “next level” therapists near you.”



Clients are always seeking help with complex pain problems and are willing to compensate therapists who have earned this advanced skill-set. Learn how you can become the “go to” theapist in your community with Master Myoskeletal Therapist certification. 

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