Jean Williams

If you’re looking for massage therapy in Smyrna, Jean Williams is the massage therapist to see. We’re delighted that she decided to pursue certification as a Master Myoskeletal Therapist (MMT). Achieving this certification, one of the highest standards for a massage professional, is no small feat. It takes a burning desire to get results for your clients and a great deal of commitment. Below is her story in her own words. This talented therapist can help you with all kinds of musculoskeletal conditions, including headaches, rotator cuff problems, sports injuries, and more. To book an appointment for massage therapy in Smyrna, click the appropriate link at the bottom of this page.

When I was 5yrs old I started massaging my dad’s back and feet. I didn’t realize I was suppose to be a massage therapist until I was 49. I had only thought about it briefly once before but didn’t have the time to go to school. I never really wanted to go back to school, but massage school changed all of that.

I was a therapist for 2 years when I was looking for some CEU’s and saw the Paul Kelly workshop in Murfreesboro, Tn. I was in the room 10 minutes and knew that this was what I wanted to do. I saw that the techniques worked much better than the ones I was using and when I started using them on my clients, they got better faster and had more immediate relief. Because of my own pain and problems I wanted more than anything to help people. So, I started my business inside a chiropractors office–more of a wellness business than a spa setting.

I have been able to help more people go back to work and be pain free than I ever thought possible. It also has offered me a greater earning capability.

Working through all of Erik’s courses has taken me to a higher level than I could have imagined and inspired me to complete a personal training course so I can bring corrective exercise to my clients. It has also allowed me to work with athletes at a local high school and with other local gyms.

I owe this all to Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques…it has motivated me to be the best I can be. I can’t thank Erik and Paul enough for all I have learned and for the motivation to never stop learning. I admire Erik for his vision, hard work, contribution to the massage profession and his continued education. Thank you for being my mentors and changing my life. Look forward to the years to come.

Jean Williams
Smyrna, Tennessee


Master Myoskeletal Therapist (MMT) Certification is one of the most prestigious designations available in the profession. Get to know one of these remarkable “next level” therapists near you.”



Clients are always seeking help with complex pain problems and are willing to compensate therapists who have earned this advanced skill-set. Learn how you can become the “go to” theapist in your community with Master Myoskeletal Therapist certification. 

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