Heather Norlander

If you’re looking for massage therapy in Lebanon, Oregon Heather Norlander is the massage therapist to see. In 2015, Heather got their Master Myoskeletal Therapist (MMT) certification. It’s a big step up from being a standard licensed massage therapist and requires a great deal of drive to achieve. We’re pleased that she made that commitment and impressed with the results she gets with clients. You can find out more about her below. She can help you resolve pain problems that many other allied health professions struggle with, including back pain, injuries, and headaches. If you’re looking for massage therapy in Lebanon, give Heather a call.

The best part of being an MMT is hearing the THANK YOUS!

I cannot tell you how many times I see people who have been through every single kind of doctor, chasing the pain for years, and they come see me a few times and get lasting relief. These proven techniques have allowed me to help a multitude of clients get out of pain, and I have made quite a name for myself in both the medical and rehabilitation community in my area. Quite frankly, they send me their “hard” cases and love to see the results we achieve!

From the moment I started massage school, I knew that I wanted to “fix” people, not just make them feel good temporarily. I took every medical massage course and technique I could find and got certified in as many as possible- too many to list here.

In 2015 I came across Erik’s blog and signed up for his Technique Tuesday newsletter. I was fascinated that there was someone out there who was able to put together and explain clinically and scientifically what we were doing on the table, not just one “technique”, but a system for the entire body. At that point, I purchased the entire set of videos and books, and I began my MMT journey.

At various times in my life, I became too busy to continue to work on Erik’s program, then when COVID hit I decided it was time for me to complete the work I had started so many years before. I decided to take my final MMT course with Erik in Costa Rica. What an amazing experience!  I was surrounded by so many professionals with the same focus as I have, truly healing people. The workshop was in a beautiful setting and I made many new friendships. I am proud to be an MMT and more inspired and motivated to share my knowledge of MAT with others. 

Heather Norlander
Lebanon, Oregon


Master Myoskeletal Therapist (MMT) Certification is one of the most prestigious designations available in the profession. Get to know one of these remarkable “next level” therapists near you.”



Clients are always seeking help with complex pain problems and are willing to compensate therapists who have earned this advanced skill-set. Learn how you can become the “go to” theapist in your community with Master Myoskeletal Therapist certification. 

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