
George Bryant

George Bryant is considered by many to be the top massage therapist in Valley View. We’re delighted that he decided to pursue certification as a Master Myoskeletal Therapist (MMT). Achieving this certification, one of the highest standards for a massage professional, is no small feat. It takes a burning desire to get results for your clients and a great deal of commitment. You can find out more about him below. He can help you resolve pain problems that many other allied health professions struggle with, including back pain, injuries, and headaches. If you’re looking for massage therapy in Valley View, give George a call.

I want to begin by saying “Thank You!” to Erik Dalton and the entire Dalton “gang” not only for teaching me and giving of themselves to help me be a more effective therapist. I truly appreciate the honest and humble approach shown by Erik’s “gang” and Erik himself as he demonstrates a masterful comprehension of the human condition, shares realistic and effective treatment approaches and can still have a good ole belly laugh.

As for me, I have always had an interest in helping people and as I set off to school to become a physical therapist (some 40 years ago) I became disillusioned as I found so many of the students and instructors “chasing the pain” and doing text book treatments or protocols assigned to the arbitrary label or “diagnosis” given them.

So I left PT and as fate would have it I found a position working with people in chronic pain at the Abilene location of the West Texas Rehab Center (a charitable/non-profit rehab facility). At the time I was working with a group of psychologists doing biofeedback for relief of chronic pain. Here I came to appreciate the crippling effects of long-term unrelenting muscle tone/spasm which surgery had missed. Patient’s presented with the same pain they had before and after surgical interventions with EMG (electromyograph) readings clearly showing excessive muscle activity. With biofeedback treatments most patient’s could reduce the abnormal activity of the overactive muscles and most reported at least moderate pain relief.

That lead me to begin a study and quest of various treatment methods to address excessive muscle tone. My curiosity and desire to find a satisfying and effective treatment approach led me to the internet where I discovered Myoskeletal Therapies and Erik Dalton. He shared his effective and understandable techniques for treating numerous pain producing dysfunctions aimed not at the symptoms, but at the real cause. His video’s were an invaluable tool in helping me to understand and effectively treat my patient’s pain. His books and videos also helped me to understand the role of muscle and fascial tissue in not only supporting the body, but, how dysfunction in either or both could lead to chronic and severe pain. Fascial tissue is able to exert a force of 2,000 psi potentially crushing sensitive tissues nearby (blood vessels, nerves, organs). Shortened or weak muscles could lead to changes in joint arthokinetics and eventual joint deterioration/destruction. After finishing a degree in Occupational Therapy I worked in the field of Geriatrics for 26 years.

For the past 4 years I have happily been working at my own clinic providing Effective Pain Release to many patient’s. With the knowledge I’ve gained from Erik and a few other wonderfully talented people I have been able to realize my goal of DOING it. As advertised the “difference” in my approach to massage therapy is based on a philosophy of finding and treating the real “cause” of the problem and not simply chasing the symptoms which only leads to limited or short-term relief. With the completion of the MMT program (Master  Myoskeletal Therapist) I have seen even more success as patient’s CAN feel the difference.

Thank you so much Erik for sharing, teaching and laughing with us.

George Bryant
Valley View, Texas


Master Myoskeletal Therapist (MMT) Certification is one of the most prestigious designations available in the profession. Get to know one of these remarkable “next level” therapists near you.”



Clients are always seeking help with complex pain problems and are willing to compensate therapists who have earned this advanced skill-set. Learn how you can become the “go to” theapist in your community with Master Myoskeletal Therapist certification. 

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