Aubrey Gowing

If you’re looking for massage therapy in Dublin, Aubrey Gowing is the massage therapist to see. We’re delighted that he decided to pursue certification as a Master Myoskeletal Therapist (MMT). Achieving this certification, one of the highest standards for a massage professional, is not easy. It takes a burning desire to get results for your clients and a great deal of commitment. You can read a little bit about his journey below. We know you’ll be in great hands when you book an appointment with Aubrey. For massage therapy in Dublin, contact Aubrey. The links are below.

 It’s been almost three years since I received my Master Myoskeletal Therapist certification from the awesome Erik Dalton and FFPI. The intervening time has just flown by!

In the last three years I have continued to teach Myoskeletal seminars across Europe, Australia and Asia. Then the outbreak of Covid-19 hit in early 2020. For me that meant the busiest year for international travel and teaching evaporated almost overnight. It may seem like a tired cliche but ‘disaster’ has brought change. Some of it perhaps unwelcome but much of it genuinely for the better.

For me it’s been a time of both challenge and great creativity. During our first lockdown there was huge uncertainty among therapists and the wider public. In my role as President of the Irish Massage Therapists Association, myself and the committee worked tirelessly to allay people’s fears with information and resources (check out ‘Preventing Disease Transmission in a Massage Practice’ by Anne Williams if you haven’t already!). We collaborated on webinars, Covid response booklets and updated members on the rolling changes as they occurred. I produced an interview series called ‘Therapists Together’ and talked to people like Erik Dalton, Tom Myers, James Waslaski, Sue Hitzmann, Whitney Lowe and many others, to give therapists some insight into how our industry leaders were responding to the pandemic. This was to help keep folks engaged and feeling part of a wider community during the otherwise isolating experience of lockdown.

Here in Ireland we have just gone back into our second full lockdown. Our clinics, gyms and all but essential retail is closed once again. This time however there is less stress as people are better informed. Once again, our association is working hard to keep our therapists and clients informed and safe while also lobbying the government for exemption to treat clients with chronic conditions. Fortunately, education, with strict Covid responses in place, is able to continue and our College remains open and busy as ever. Our students are thrilled to come to class, to have a safe environment to engage in compassionate, therapeutic touch. This is such an important part of who we are as therapists, it really is invaluable!

The good news for those not enrolled for an ‘in-person class’ is that there are more options than ever to keep learning! I’ve had the opportunity to attend several virtual seminars and classes and loved them. I’ve been presenting at virtual seminars too. I presented at The Canadian RMT Conference and the Polish Fascia Symposium (with Polish subtitles for all of you Polish speakers). I’ll be presenting at the International Soft Tissue Therapy Virtual Congress in Australia on the 29th of November. Tickets available here: 

Probably the biggest achievement for me this year was the publication of my second book ‘Kinesiology Taping Strategies and Assessment’ and a full online course to go with the book. The course has additional images, quizzes, and 75 individual videos on each taping procedure and assessment shown in the book. Both are available through our website

So, despite the challenges presented to us all in 2020, it’s still an exciting year with its own unique opportunities. How will you choose to respond?

I would encourage anyone to take advantage of this time to recharge, reinvigorate your passion for therapies and to up-skill. Whether that’s through attending online conferences, taking an online course or best of all, progress in your journey to MMT certification!!

Aubrey Gowing MMT and Senior Instructor. Holistic College Dublin, Swords, County Dublin, Ireland


Master Myoskeletal Therapist (MMT) Certification is one of the most prestigious designations available in the profession. Get to know one of these remarkable “next level” therapists near you.”



Clients are always seeking help with complex pain problems and are willing to compensate therapists who have earned this advanced skill-set. Learn how you can become the “go to” theapist in your community with Master Myoskeletal Therapist certification. 

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