Lorin Janae Acosta

If you’re looking for massage therapy in Cary, Lorin Janae Acosta is the massage therapist to see. We’re delighted that she decided to pursue certification as a Master Myoskeletal Therapist (MMT). Achieving this certification, one of the highest standards for a massage professional, is not easy. It takes a burning desire to get results for your clients and a great deal of commitment. Below is her story in her own words. This talented therapist can help you with all kinds of musculoskeletal conditions, including headaches, rotator cuff problems, sports injuries, and more. To book an appointment for massage therapy in Cary, click the appropriate link at the bottom of this page.

Rediscovering My Passion: A Journey Back to Massage Therapy
On a whim, and desperate to escape the corporate grind, I took a leap of faith in 2007 and enrolled in massage school. I quit my desk job, signed up for training, and embarked on a path that was as uncertain as it was exciting. Having never received a massage before, I wasn’t sure if this was truly my calling. That random TV commercial for massage therapy training must have had a compelling message!

Nearly two decades later, I can confidently say I’ve found my passion. I was seeking a role that not only alleviated stress but also fulfilled my desire to help people. My goal was to ensure that everyone I met walked away feeling seen, heard, and relieved. I had no idea what that would look like at the time, but it didn’t take long for me to realize that I had made the right decision by trusting my gut. The moment I finally experienced my first massage, I knew, “This is IT! Who could be angry with this?” As I practiced massage, I quickly discovered that the spa atmosphere wasn’t for me. I was drawn to understanding the underlying issues causing my clients’ tension and enjoyed the more profound work that went beyond mere relaxation.

In 2012, I opened my private practice, where I began incorporating orthopedic techniques into my sessions. This integration was a crucial step toward providing my clients with more than just temporary relief. My practice felt like my baby for nearly eight years, but eventually, personal changes led to emotional burnout. Closing my practice in 2019 felt like the only option I had to regain control. In 2020, we relocated from Connecticut to North Carolina. After a year of being away from massage and having temporary success in other jobs, my husband nudged me to reignite my skills. Hesitantly, I decided to dip my toes back into massage, thinking it would be a short stint while I looked for other opportunities. Then I discovered a medical massage practice that resonated deeply with my desire to help people beyond superficial manipulation. Melissa, the owner of Moonshadow Medical Massage, encouraged me to explore Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques (MAT). I knew little about MAT, but I’m incredibly grateful she saw potential in my work and urged me to pursue this path.

I started with the first online course and immediately fell in love with Erik Dalton’s approach to unwinding the body. Unlike traditional methods focused on trigger points, Erik’s techniques challenge me to think outside the box. MAT has provided me with a versatile toolbox for creating effective treatments that promote pain-free movement and improved mobility. One MAT technique can benefit multiple clients with varying symptoms, which I find incredibly rewarding. The results speak for themselves—my clients often show me the movements they can now do after our sessions!

After completing several courses, I noticed a shift in how I view the body. Attending Erik’s ‘Leveling the Head and Tail’ training in July 2023 emphasized the importance of spinal health and joint mobility. This training taught me to look for patterns and structural differences rather than simply searching for tight muscles, leading to increased relief for my clients.

Since obtaining my Master Myoskeletal Therapist (MMT) certification, my assessments have improved significantly. I now have a clearer understanding of what to look for during each session, and my clients continue to experience relief. MAT truly works.

If you’re looking to deepen your knowledge of the body and refine your skills with proven techniques, I encourage you to start your MAT certification journey. Keep progressing until you achieve MMT status. Attend workshops with your current clients in mind, and implement what you’ve learned in your next session. They’ll appreciate your new techniques! Connect with others in the MAT community, lean in, and never stop learning. Your journey may lead you to rediscover your passion, just as it did for me.

Lorin Janae Acosta
Cary, North Carolina


Master Myoskeletal Therapist (MMT) Certification is one of the most prestigious designations available in the profession. Get to know one of these remarkable “next level” therapists near you.”



Clients are always seeking help with complex pain problems and are willing to compensate therapists who have earned this advanced skill-set. Learn how you can become the “go to” theapist in your community with Master Myoskeletal Therapist certification. 

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