
Technique Tuesday Newsletter-2

July 2, 2024

IT-Band Friction Syndrome…

IT-band friction syndrome is generally thought to be a multi-factorial, non-traumatic, overuse condition in which the distal aspect of the iliotibial band rubs over the lateral femoral epicondyle during repetitive knee flexion and extension movements. This ultimately leads to irritation of the iliotibial band, bursa, and lateral synovial recess. In this popular theoretical model, the deep posterior ITB fibers are more vulnerable to back-and-forth rubbing on the knee’s epicondyle.

Several studies have described a dynamic “impingement zone” at approximately 30 degrees of knee flexion where the ITB is subject to microfiber tearing and associated inflammation. Therapists who abide by this “conventional wisdom” often seek out the sore spots around the condyle and cross-fiber friction the affected tissue in an effort to break down weak-linked adhesions, enhance fibroblastic activity, and encourage tissue remodeling. Some focus on relaxing the IT-band by easing tension in the tensor fascia lata muscle. Both these approaches may be effective if… [Read more and watch video]

25% Off the “Art of MAT” Course…One week only!

We all know how frustrating it is when clients come in time after time showing little or no improvement. Yet many of the conditions that clients bring in are chronic and complex making it difficult to get favorable outcomes with the limited information we’ve learned in massage school.

In the Art of MAT training we’ve rounded up some real people with very real problems so we could show you how to quickly identify the main event causing their dysfunctions and a step-by-step protocol for guiding them back to a pain-free life.

You will learn how to treat clients presenting with conditions such as:

  • Nocturnal arm numbness (TOS)
  • Low back pain on forward bending
  • Leg pain when sitting (sciatica)
  • Crooked spines (functional scoliosis)
  • Neck cricks that refer pain into the arms
  • Pelvic pain and breathing disorders
  • Rotator cuff injuries that impede sports performance…and much more!

The “Art of MAT” course is one of the required courses that will take you one step closer to completing your Master Myoskeletal Therapist (MMT) certification. It’s a perfect addition to your skill set for anyone working in sports medicine, massage therapy, structural integration, physical therapy or personal training.

Earn 16 CE hours!

BONUS! When you purchase the Home Study Course you receive the eCourse free!!! Get easy access to begin learning right away.

Offer ends Monday, July 8th!

Learn more: Course Information…

“Pain Relief In Paradise” A Quarter of a Century Workshop Celebration in Costa Rica!

What therapists are saying about the “Pain Relief In Paradise” workshop with Erik…

“The Costa Rica workshop was amazing this year. I loved the techniques you pulled up. They bounced so well into my practice to much success. The neurological stuff is so amazing and necessary. I love that your evolution never stops so our education is constantly progressing with every new bit of information. You changed my life and my practice. You’re an amazing educator and an amazing person. You’re one of a kind, Erik. And the world is better for your voracious love of knowledge and tireless commitment to advancing our field.” ♥️🥰💖🙏🙏🙏✨🥰♥️
Jennifer Schoenewald, Philadelphia, PA

“After completing the first three home study courses, my way of thinking about structure, function and the brain-body connection was turned upside down. I was beginning to see how many people in pain were suffering unnecessarily. So, to enhance my hands-on skill-set, I enrolled in Erik’s week-long Costa Rica Retreat. If you’re considering Costa Rica, don’t think about it just do it, you’ll quickly get your money back from this exotic learning experience.”
Mandy Asquith, Wakefield, England, UK

Join Erik Dalton and the Gang…

This affordable 30-CE Myoskeletal Certification training offers top-notch education, lodging, healthy meals, and airport transportation. Enjoy zip-lining, white water rafting, music, dancing, yoga, and lots more. Connect with like-minded international therapists in an exotic breathtaking environment with leisure time to practice the techniques you learn from Erik and his assistants. 

Enjoy an educational experience you’ll never forget!

REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! Don’t wait, this workshop fills up fast! Workshop details

More Workshops…

Free Technique Videos

If you can’t get enough of Erik Dalton’s innovative techniques here in the Technique Tuesday Newsletter, then head over and subscribe to his YouTube Channel where you’ll have instant access to 260 videos, with a brand new technique video released each week. When you subscribe, click the dropdown beside the “Subscribe button” and click “All Notifications” to be notified every time a new video comes out. Happy watching!

Have a fantastic week!
In Touch,

Erik Dalton

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