
Technique Tuesday Newsletter

July 23, 2024

Hamstring Massage and Mobilization

Statistics show that re-injury to the hamstrings occur in about one-third of athletes, most commonly within the first two weeks upon return to play. This places extreme importance upon evaluation of the severity of the injury and the resultant manual and movement rehabilitation program to ensure that the athlete is strong enough to return to competition without the threat of re-injury. Hamstring rehab can take anywhere from 2-6 weeks or longer depending on severity and therapeutic delivery methods used. The role of the hamstrings is important because of their unique ability to stabilize the pelvis in the transverse and sagittal planes during trunk flexion and rotation, i.e., three-dimensionally. Anatomically, the hammies are capable of… [Read more and watch a video]

25% Off the “Dalton Technique Treasures” eCourse…One week only!

In this handsomely illustrated eLearning course, Erik has selected 44 of his favorite articles and Myoskeletal Technique videos that will massively improve your hands-on skill set and help you become the “go-to” therapist in your community.

Come away from this program with renewed confidence and inspiration in dealing with stubborn head, neck, rib, shoulder and low back pain complaints, and with the ability to ‘put it all together’ in a coherent session for your clients. Our multi-dimensional video format enhances learning via human dissection, computer animation and step-by-step hands on demonstrations. By learning how to quickly identify musculofascial and joint strain patterns, you will learn to pinpoint areas of dysfunction and common referral patterns, get your clients out of pain fast, and keep referrals coming your way.

This program concentrates on hands-on techniques, but has plenty of information and application for movement-based therapists as well. Each technique is clearly explained and demonstrated with variations included for easy application in whatever type of touch therapy work you’re currently practicing.

In this course you will learn to assess and correct:

  • Thoracic outlet syndrome
  • Low back musculofascial strain
  • Diaphragmatic breathing problems
  • Occipital neuralgia headaches
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Greater trochanteric bursitis
  • TMJ muscle imbalances
  • Rotator cuff tendinopathies
  • Ligament ankle injuries
  • Runner’s Knee
  • Pelvic floor spasm
  • Neck cricks
  • Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow
  • Sciatic nerve entrapments…and much more!

You will delight in massage continuing education that is convenient, affordable and also rewards you with lifelong skills that are greatly appreciated by your clients. As in all our eLearning courses, you get lifetime access; feel free to access them anytime with absolutely no expiration date.

Earn 8 CE

Get easy access to the eCourse to begin learning right away!

Offer ends Monday, July 29th!

Course Information…

Join Erik Dalton for his 25th Annual “Pain Relief in Paradise” Celebratory Workshop in Costa Rica!

A workshop you won’t want to miss…

This affordable week long, 30-CE Myoskeletal Certification training offers top-notch education, lodging, healthy meals, and airport transportation. Enjoy zip-lining, white water rafting, music, dancing, yoga, and lots more. Connect with like-minded international therapists in an exotic breathtaking environment with leisure time to practice the techniques you learn from Erik and his assistants. 

Enjoy an educational experience you’ll never forget!

REGISTER NOW! Don’t wait, this workshop fills up fast! Workshop details

Chicago, Illinois Therapists! There’s a  Workshop at the end of the week…

Myoskeletal Alignment TechniquesⓇ Upper & Lower Body 2-day Workshop

In this 2-day workshop, “Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques Ⓡ – Upper and Lower Body” (16CE), Discover new approaches to treating neck cricks, thoracic outlet, sciatica, low back pain, and sport injuries, based on the foundational work of Erik Dalton’s Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques (MAT).

If you’ve never been to a MAT workshop before, this will be a great introduction to Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques Ⓡ and how to integrate them into your practice with pain-rehab. And if you’ve taken a home study or online course, this is a chance to get some supervised coaching from a Master Myoskeletal Therapist (MMT) and really dial in these unique and effective techniques.

Register Now! Only a few spots left…

Your Weekly Massage Technique Fix!

Every week, Erik Dalton unveils a new technique video that can transform the way you approach massage therapy. With 260 videos already available, you’re one click away from a treasure trove of MAT techniques. Don’t miss out on the next big reveal – subscribe and turn on all notifications! YouTube channel

Have a fantastic week!
In Touch,

Erik Dalton

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