
What therapists have to say about MAT Courses and workshops

Have you enjoyed a course or workshop with Erik Dalton? We’d love to get your feedback. 

Heather Piper

I highly recommend taking an in person class with either Erik or one of his teachers. They offer classes frequently and a longer format class in Costa Rica. If you are a LMT, the advanced education offered here is above and beyond any other course I have ever taken.

Loretta Tye

This was an amazing course, I highly recommend it to further your practice. The videos were great and helpful, the in class time was fun. I really appreciate Eric’s sense of humor and light heartedness in his delivery of this important information.

Michele Donath

This is the most comprehensive method that I have learned in 30 years of practice. I use MAT every single session, and have been since I started learning it in 2012. Not only are the techniques beneficial for the advancement of my clients health, but they are a continual resource for self care as well. My practice is based mostly upon Erik’s teachings, and it has been an indispensable asset to my business.

Jeremy Cowin

Erik Dalton and “Gang” – have made continuing education fun, convenient and practical. I love that I can take course around my schedule and learn at my own pace. The response time when I have questions or concerns are timely as well. Thank you Erik for keeping us manual therapists the best game in town!

SL Brown

Live classes are the best way to learn for me. The home study courses are one of my favorite ways to reinforcement what I learned in a live class. Just finished the Technique Tour. The instructional videos are top notch with cadaver dissection and real life models to explain conditions, how to assess, the appropriate treatment and outcomes. Best part is I can go back and review all the techniques because I have indefinite access.

Joe Ginseng

I can’t begin to tell you the gold mine of information Erik and his associates present. My interest in this work has never faded in 30 years and what I’ve learned from him over time has brought my business to new heights.

Laura Brown

I have added a few moves to massages with long term clients to practice a little more and everyone has a renewed love of massage. I would definitely add this class to your to-do list. People love it and now I like working in sidelying more!

Jesse Burlingham

I’m loving the Erik Dalton MAT online and workshop trainings. It’s providing a crazy amount of detailed information and techniques. I’ve been getting great positive feedback from clients and more referrals. Thanks Erik and Team!

Jessica Jorgensen

I’m so excited and thrilled (and honestly a bit relieved) to have completed both text reading and test for the DYNAMIC Lower Body Course! The reading was challenging and I LOVE a good challenge! The content is remarkable nothing short from being a page turner. I was intrigued by each chapter! The quality of expertise and knowledge is something I am very interested in. I couldn’t stop thinking about how I could incorporate the knowledge this course offered into my own practice immediately. I am astounded by the effectiveness MAT offers and honored to be part of this incredible opportunity to enhance my 27 years of professional massage therapy experience learning from Erik Dalton.

Gemma Bucci-Edwards

I took the Dynamic Lower Body course. It was great. I enjoyed the videos at the beginning of each lesson. The length of each lesson was right on with the quiz after it. Very user friendly and great information.

Rhonda Dundon

Had an incredible week studying MAT in Costa Rica. I am beginning the Foundational ecourse bundle and recommend hands on courses as well as the at home study courses!

Laura Cavanaugh

if you have not taken an Erik Dalton course you are missing out. I have taken his in person class in Oklahoma and many of his on-line courses. 🙂I use all the techniques and knowledge I have learned from him on a regular basis. You will not find a better produced program or teacher in the bodywork world. Erik is easy to understand and presents usable information giving much credit to all the teachers he has learned from. Go sign up now you will not regret it.

Melanie Markwell

I’ve been an LMT for 14 years now, and this was, By Far, my favorite class taken to date! The amount of knowledge & knowledgeable practitioners in one room was mind blowing. I’ve used several techniques taught by Dalton, and have had nothing but astounding results. Thank you!! I’d take the class a million times over!!!

Lissa A Stallings-Boone

I am recommending the Treating Trapped Nerves course. It will take you to the deeper level of the body; how is functions at the neural level and create confidence to address the complex and intriguing nervous system.

Brenda Hill

After seeing so many of Erik Dalton’s technique videos my interest was piqued. I attended his Continuing Education in beautiful Costa Rica and knew this is what my Massage Therapy practice was missing. I can’t get enough of his videos and classes! With each one, I learn a new technique to help relieve my clients pain. That has always been my goal and now I also have a busy practice.

Niall Kelly

When asked, I always recommend MAT courses as the go to resource. I particularly enjoyed the “Dalton Technique Tour” course. It has some of Eric’s best techniques covering the whole body and the manual is great for easy in clinic reference for a busy practice.

Allison Beckett

I recently took a continued education course on Treating Trapped Nerves with Dr. Erik Dalton. I have to admit I was already looking up Youtube videos on this topic as I suffered from an ulnar nerve entrapment, and then later a Baxster’s nerve entrapment. I was hooked with nerve gliding/flossing instantly! I already helped a couple clients with ulnar nerve entrapment as well! I love that the course has a manual I can print out and use with my clients. I also love that they have some home exercises do also. Well worth the money I spent!

And more…

“Many people talk about how Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques® changed their practice. For me, MAT, the courses and the workshops, changed my practice, sure. It also changed how I looked at bodies — people walking around airports, down streets, up and down stairs, sitting, standing, running. It changed how I educate my patients. MAT changed my critical thinking and it changed how I treat patients. Erik Dalton and MAT changed more than my practice and how I practice. It changed me.”
Joel Kouyoumjian, Certified Advanced Myoskeletal Therapist

“I am so incredibly grateful for the technique and instruction at the MAT Sports Injuries/ Nerve Entrapment seminar earlier this month. I’ve been a chiropractor for 18 years and LOVE what I do. I already have a waiting list practice and don’t technically “need” to change a thing, but I’m addicted to learning and improving. These techniques have taken my skills to a whole new level and the results are phenomenal. There are no words deep enough for the appreciation I have for Erik Dalton, the incredible techniques and the instructors passing it on. Thank you!”
Kristin Ashley Jacobson, DC

“The Myoskeletal Alignment Technique® is far and away the most effective form of therapy in my practice. I am known in my community for possessing excellent skills in the treatment of chronic neck and back problems.”
Kristin Haas

“Thanks to your program I will now be able to go back to work. While reading the manual I kept saying to myself “I need this done to me.” So I went on-line and found James Carvelho. After one session, James did more for me than the 12 doctors I had gone to. I’m continuing sessions at least once a month. I’ve been rolfed and wanted to become one, but I think your program is even better and I want to become totally proficient in MAT because I know it works. Thank you!”
Joyce Hombel

“Thank you, Erik Dalton, for not “completely” agreeing with the idea of pain-free bodywork. During my thirty-five years of practicing massage, I have experienced scores of massage and bodywork techniques, and I have used many of them with my clients. Despite claims that massage/bodywork doesn’t have to be deep and painful to be effective, many of us consumers of massage do not respond to anything else. Moreover, a large majority of my clients choose deep and often painful massage because it relieves myofascial pain and dysfunction more quickly and the results last longer. Not every massage needs to be painful to be effective, but for many of us, it’s a requirement.”
Paul David Tuff, CMT, BCTMB

“While taking my exam, I had a few questions I didn’t understand and decided to use the support line. To my surprise, Dr. Dalton himself answered and helped with the more challenging aspects of the exam and even directed me to some great supplemental readings.. WOW! I don’t think you’ll get this with any other home study program. A+ to the folks at the Freedom From Pain Institute!”
Michael Krawchuk

“The seminar is taught very down to earth and with common sense. Erik and his assistants were very accessible and knowledgeable. I liked the showing and emphasizing multiple ways to do or work the same muscles or joints. I will recommend Erik’s work and seminars. I agree with his approach – there is good knowledge everywhere, don’t get stuck in one place.”
Jim Mills

“After attending a number of Erik Dalton workshops, I am always amazed at how much valuable information I gain from each one.”
Steve Alliestsor

“Erik has a great pace of teaching! The teaching, hands-on, then review segment order helps the new material “sink in”. The class was fun, stress-free, and most educational. Thank you!”
Susan Waiz

“Awesome workshop! The stuff I learned will drastically change my practice and my clients will love it. Can’t wait to get my DVDS and learn even more. Loved that there was so much hands-on time. Teaching Assistants were extremely helpful and very knowledgeable.”
Diane Thompson

“This is the very first workshop where I remember the techniques a day later. Also one of the few workshops where I can use the techniques immediately. Erik is awesome! Excellent TAs!”
Linda Cifforn

“This has assisted me in taking my practice to the next level. I’m very impressed by all the knowledge Erik has brought to the conference. Thank you to all the staff of TAs who were so patient in showing us all the moves.”
Phyllis Bartholomy

“The entire group was knowledgeable, approachable and made the session fun and comfortable. Great set up, timing and organization. Love how Erik teaches with no ego. Comfortable discussing the mistakes he learned from and shares the credit. Love his sense of humor!”
Sheri Wenthen

“Great class. Wonderful instructions, visuals and lots of assistants! Best class I have ever had!”
Ruth Hoopes

“I have only been doing massage for two years and this is the first class I’ve taken. In two years I have been pretty complacent in what I’ve done… FooFoo massages. I can’t thank you enough for renewing my interest in wanting to really get to the root of the problem. I am also about 2 months into doing personal training and I am really excited to read and watch more DVDs of your work. I hope to continue to grow. Thank you for making my first CE class a blessing to my life and hopefully a blessing to my clients.”
Brett Kleespies

“This technique/therapy has already helped my practice, but being here and doing the hands on makes a huge difference. Love the teachers and everything you guys do. Thank you!”
Angela Medina

“The Erik Dalton seminar was excellent. It was too much to absorb in a short time, but hopefully, with the assistance of the workbooks, I can remember more of it. Erik and his assistants were very informative and helpful and made the seminar fun. The registration process was great too. The customer service was excellent. They were eager to answer any and all questions. Thank you all for a terrific learning experience. I hope to attend more of your seminars in the future.”

“OMG!! It was AWESOME! The Class was great and I totally needed a change of pace in my life… It was a GREAT weekend. Thank you so much for making it happen! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! :)”
Kimberly ‘Kimmy’

“Exceptional techniques that can be used immediately! So easy on both the bodywork therapist and client.”

“I can’t wait to get back and utilize the knowledge and experience with my clients. I definitely plan on registering for the Costa Rica workshop!”

“Thank you for your effective manual therapy techniques and all you contribute to our profession. The best workshop I have ever been a part of!”

“The first CEU class I have ever attended where questions were answered and the instruction was fully interactive. I learned a lot. A very enjoyable experience.”

“The Costa Rica class this spring has changed my practice. My clients love the new techniques and how great they feel for a longer period of time. It was my 3rd time attending your class, and your techniques are becoming 2nd nature for me. Thank you. And It was good to get away from reality and take a step back to do some meditation and reflection too. Thank you”
Diane Holte, LMT

“The most comprehensive, intense, and well written work to come out in the manual therapy profession! Thank you Erik Dalton for your passion and knowledge.”
Torhild Hawkes

“I was able to integrate MAT quickly into my routine and have gotten wonder results.”
Joyce Hombel

“Great material! Gave me the chance to help my clients even more. Best course I’ve taken.”
Ellen Huber

“Love the way the whole course is laid out!!!”
Lola Hummel

“The best course I have taken. The videos were done so well that you almost felt as if you were taking the class in person. The camera angles along with the 3-D views of the musculature you were treating gave me the opportunity to view the material over and over until i felt confident in the procedure. The workbook which accompanied the videos will always be part of my favorite reading material. I learned more from reading this book. Great!”
Robert Wilson

“Loving what I do for a living, I continued my personal education through seminars (Neck, Low Back, Shoulder – Neuromuscular) or video instruction (positional release, deep tissue, myofascial, CS) even studying your CD on Prosagge. While I do incorporate the above, I believe I have found the best method through your series for Massage Therapy. I consider myself a medical professional and am looking forward to making a difference in my clients, rather than “just chasing the pain.” Thank you for sharing.”
Carol McCorvie

“Dalton without a doubt raises the bar for massage therapists. This is the type of information we as a group need to learn if we really want to help those in pain.”
James Moon

“This course was exactly what I needed to revive my interest in myoskeletal bodywork and application. I have recently transitioned into a clinical environment as a practitioner and have found the information invaluable. Thank you.”
Shelby Wohleber

“This was the best learning experience I ever had. The audiovisual and course material were excellent. I integrated it in my practice with good results. Working for 30 years hands-on and still learning. This was great!”
Catharina Oberholzer

“It’s amazing how you developed these techniques that literally change the quality of life for people getting this treatment. My fibro client is raving about how much better she feels and told her doctor who wants to refer his other patients to me. The only problem I have with using these techniques in my practice is that I have a waiting list and I am booked solid. This is after one level of training and this is just the tip of the iceberg! So you deserve all sorts of commendation because you are helping so many people. So in my humble opinion you are the best Erik Dalton I hope you have your training next year in CR b/c due to unforeseen circumstances I can’t make it this year and I’m really bummed about it.”
Dorie Miller

“Great news Erik, You will be proud! I have been hired as a Health Technician (medical massage therapist) by the US Army Medical Command starting Oct 22nd and I have to give you so much thanks for all your skill that I have learned in my own time and your mentorship. Way to go because if not for you and our other key instructors, I would not have the knowledge base and or skill to get this position that is now recognized by our Federal Government for our Soldiers. With me being a service-connected vet, I could only get better by alternative therapy and my instruction at the Colorado Institute of Massage Therapy in 2003, even though I had earlier instruction. It all came to fruition! Whew Hew! Thank you!”
Jennifer Simpson

“I have seen many advertisements for Erik Dalton’s courses through several magazines over the years. I have been a massage therapist for over 14 years, and was not satisfied, and had become stagnant in my practice. Throughout the years I have taken many CE classes which were a complete waste of time (in my personal opinion). Many courses out there claim many different things.. his courses actually deliver. As soon as I received the material, I got started right away. I was actually amazed when my clients were getting great results (sad but true, I was skeptical). Thank you, Mr. Dalton for sparking a new, creative and remarkable passion in my practice.”
Tracy D. Frazier, LMT

“It’s amazing how you developed these techniques that literally change the quality of people’s lives. My fibro client is raving about how much better she feels and her doctor wants to refer other patients to me. I now have a waiting list and I”m booked solid .”
Jennifer Simpson

“Truth is in the Results. Thank you Erik for the Myoskeletal Alignment Technique® complete educational package! In my opinion this is the most informative & best complete training package for any serious therapist who truly wants to help their clients. The results I am achieving on a daily basis with my clients are amazing. I call the MAT program my “Training Bible”. Any therapist who is willing to work hard & provide the best outcome for their clients Erik Dalton MAT program is a must.”
Tony Walsh – Australia

“Erik, I just wanted to say thank you for your instructional videos. I have completed all three of the MAT CEU-accredited courses and my client list is growing steadily. I can’t wait to take your new ‘Technique Tour’ online course. Thanks for opening up a whole new world of ideas for helping my clients in pain.”
Mike Sullivan

“You’re the best mentor ever! I’ve been using your advanced massage techniques for years and have helped clients that were given negative chances to get better by their doctor.”
Gerico Silverio

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