MMT Requirements for International Students
We appreciate that you are making the effort to get your Master Myoskeletal Therapist (MMT) certification.
One of the obstacles is getting the required 50 CE hours of practical hands-on training in the in-person workshops. In 2024 we are offering a workshop in Amsterdam and Costa Rica. Additionally, we’ve made the following changes to MMT certification requirements for those located outside of North America:
We require international students to complete a minimum of 30 CE hours of in-person workshops with Erik Dalton or one of his educators. The easiest way to get the 30 CE in-person workshop training is at Erik Dalton’s annual Costa Rica workshop (30 CE).
Alternatively, after completing the required courses in the complete library, you may combine in-person workshops with additional online or home study courses for a minimum of 30 CE hours.
1. Attend one in-person workshop:
Most workshops are 16 to 24 hours in length. You can find a list of workshops here.
2. Then choose from the following online eCourses or home study courses to complete your 30 CE hours:
Solving Today’s Pain & Injury Puzzle eCourse (6CE)
Dalton’s Technique Treasures eCourse (8CE)
Myoskeletal Mobilization Massage (10CE)
Essential MAT Assessments (16CE)