
MMT Requirements for International Students

We appreciate that you are making the effort to get your Master Myoskeletal Therapist (MMT)® certification. 

One of the obstacles is getting the required 50 CE hours of practical hands-on training in the in-person workshops. In 2025 we will be offering workshops in Europe and Australia. Please check back here for dates https://erikdalton.com/workshops/.

Additionally, we’ve made the following changes to MMT certification requirements for those located outside of North America:

We require international students to complete a minimum of 30 CE hours of in-person workshops. The easiest way to get the 30 CE in-person workshop training is at the Dalton Myoskeletal Costa Rica workshop (30 CE).

Alternatively, after completing the required courses in the complete library, you may combine in-person workshops with additional online or home study courses for a minimum of 30 CE hours.

1. Attend one in-person workshop:

Most workshops are 16 to 24 hours in length. You can find a list of workshops here.

2. Then choose from the following online eCourses or home study courses to complete your 30 CE hours:

Solving Today’s Pain & Injury Puzzle eCourse (6CE)
Dalton’s Technique Treasures eCourse (8CE)
Myoskeletal Mobilization Massage (10CE)
Essential MAT Assessments (16CE)

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